One of the possible ways to increase productivity of spike can be the use of gene resources with non-standard spike morphology in wheat. The objectives of this study were large genotroph type of Kazakhstanskaya 126 with non-standard of spike morphological structure, induced by nicotinic acid from plant source. Plant variation (genotroph) has shown differences from original plants in a number of parameters such as stem height and diameter, leaf surface area, spike length and grain productivity, weight of thousand grains, gliadin and α-amilase composition and other genetic variabilities caused by gene mutations. Spike of Kazakhstanskaya 126 has normal structure. Spike of genotroph has vertical sessile spikelets or spike branching caused by short day. Lines obtained from hybrids with genotroph (F2-F6) based on the spike morphology were classified into several groups: A. normal spike structure (NS), a single spikelets is situated in one node of spike rachis. B. vertical sessile spikelets (VSS), when two or three spikelets grow up vertically in spike rachis node.The VSS expression were controlled dominantly or recessively. C. tetrastichon ( TSS-tetrastichon sessile spikelets ) when three or mostly spikelets were sessile closed to each other in a horizontal position in a spike rachis node. The TSS expression was controlled recessively. D. spike branching (TFS-transitional forms spikelets). The TFS expression was controlled recessively. ̀Spike branching were usually less stable in the phenotype in various environments. Haploid plants obtained from anther culture of genotroph have branching spike.

Key words: genotroph, haploid, hybrid, mutation, plant, wheat